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    中國(guó)視聽(tīng)網(wǎng)(www.bfsiu021.cn) > 行業(yè)資訊 > 視聽(tīng)信息(HI-FI器材) > 德寶 - 精致的聲音文化
    德寶 - 精致的聲音文化
    更新:2020-7-2 9:22:49 稿件:Boston 調(diào)整大小:【


    Volker Schwerdtfeger, 德寶 quadral CEO.

    ……是我們的激情。難怪我們是德國(guó)最受尊敬的揚(yáng)聲器品牌之一。40多年來(lái),quadral 這個(gè)名字代表了漢諾威的高品質(zhì)高保真音響組件。


    … is our passion. No wonder we are one of the most respected loudspeaker brands in Germany. For more than 40 years, the name quadral has stood for high-quality hi-fi components from Hanover.
    Besides loudspeakers in different price categories we develop and distribute exclusive high-end electronics for an international clientele.


    所有揚(yáng)聲器都可以完全互換嗎?或者它們之間是否有細(xì)微差別?我們相信,在工程,設(shè)計(jì)以及尤其是聲音方面確實(shí)存在重大差異!但是,德寶 quadral 揚(yáng)聲器與其他揚(yáng)聲器有何區(qū)別?


    Are all loudspeakers fully interchangeable or are there fine differences between them? We believe there are indeed major differences with regard to engineering, design and, above all, the sound! But what distinguishes quadral loudspeakers from the others?


    德寶 quadral 揚(yáng)聲器的設(shè)計(jì)方式使其可以搭配任何功放,這意味著您可以將它們與幾乎任何音樂(lè)系統(tǒng)結(jié)合使用。


    此外,不僅價(jià)格更高的型號(hào)受益于德寶 quadral 技術(shù),這些技術(shù)僅在德寶 quadral 產(chǎn)品中作為標(biāo)準(zhǔn)配置提供:德寶 quadral RiCom 鋁絲帶高音單元,ALTIMA©和石墨涂層震膜, 壓力腔體設(shè)計(jì),BTC 和運(yùn)行時(shí)間校正電路等等..


    quadral loudspeakers are conceived in such a way that they can handle even difficult amplifiers with ease, which means that you can combine them with virtually any music system.

    In the forefront of product development is not only the perfection of individual details but also the minimization of any weaknesses relevant to the sound – graded according to price category. Our aim is not only to harmonize our loudspeakers with diverse music systems, but also with diverse music styles. In doing so, the quality and durability of the materials are crucial factors influencing our choice of components.

    Furthermore, not only higher-priced models benefit from quadral technologies which are only available as standard in quadral products: quadral ribbon and RiCom tweeters, quadral-ALTIMA© and graphite-coated laminated membranes, pressure chamber reflex cabinets, BTC and runtime correction circuits, etc..


    Quadral 的第一大發(fā)展目標(biāo)不是在不同揚(yáng)聲器之間切換時(shí)的最大音量,而是最大的分辨率和與所有可能的放大器的最大兼容性。因此,就聲音的中立性,準(zhǔn)確性和對(duì)細(xì)節(jié)的關(guān)注而言,方形揚(yáng)聲器始終可以在所有正常聆聽(tīng)位置提供最大的聆聽(tīng)享受。

    盡管許多銷售網(wǎng)點(diǎn)的音響系統(tǒng)反映了不同的理念,但我們?cè)诘聦?quadral 有意地調(diào)整了揚(yáng)聲器以匹配典型房屋的音響特性。換句話說(shuō),對(duì)于面積為15至50平方米,高度為2.2至3 m的矩形房間,包括地毯,窗簾,木制家具,室內(nèi)裝潢等常見(jiàn)物品。

    我們的目標(biāo)是使您能夠長(zhǎng)時(shí)間在家中享受德寶 quadral 揚(yáng)聲器。

    quadral’s No. 1 development objective is not maximum volume when switching over between different loudspeakers, but rather maximum resolution combined with maximum compatibility with all conceivable amplifiers. Therefore, in terms of sound neutrality, precision and attention to detail, quadral loudspeakers always provide maximum listening enjoyment from all normal listening positions.

    Although the acoustics of many sales outlets reflect a different philosophy, we at quadral intentionally tune our loudspeakers to match the acoustic characteristics of typical homes. In other words, for rectangular rooms ranging from 15 to 50 m2 in size, 2.2 to 3 m high and including the usual items like carpets, curtains, wooden furniture, upholstery, etc.
    Our aim is for you to be able to enjoy quadral loudspeakers in your home for a long time.


    揚(yáng)聲器必須與各種各樣的環(huán)境協(xié)調(diào)一致。因此,幾乎所有德寶 quadral 產(chǎn)品都可提供中性黑色面漆。但是,更高系列的型號(hào)也可以提供其他顏色或?qū)嵞撅椕妗?br>我們的風(fēng)格偏愛(ài)主流而不是前衛(wèi)–因此,經(jīng)典,永恒的線條和音箱飾面均采用最優(yōu)質(zhì)的材料精心制造,并十分注重細(xì)節(jié)。


    Loudspeakers must harmonize with a huge variety of surroundings. Therefore, almost all quadral products are available with a neutral black finish. However, models higher up the range are also available in other colours or real wood finishes.
    Our styling prefers mainstream to avant-garde – hence the classic, timeless lines and finishes to the cabinets, carefully manufactured using the very best quality materials and much attention to detail..



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